Cheryl Tarr
(United States)

The Spiritual Journey -
Dark Night of the Soul

The dark night of the soul is a stage in spiritual development where a significant transition takes place.  In this phase, one’s sense of identity is stripped away.  This loss of identity is experienced as a loss of loved ones, status, a job, or other forms of material wealth.

This project is comprised of images that illustrate my recent experience walking through such a dark night - and coming out the other side to embrace a new way of creatively expressing myself through photography.  The fire and being ‘in the belly of the dragon’ are metaphors for the burning away of a false sense of self.  This phase of the journey, by its nature, is a solitary one.  I face this night alone and find the courage to move forward, even when I cannot see where I am going.

And one day surrender comes -  I develop a deeper sense of who I am, and the storm begins to clear. And I no longer feel alone.  I realize that I am accompanied by fellow travelers who have themselves traversed the darkness and come out the other side.  I begin to feel I am in the flow of life again.

Entering the MysteryEntering the Mystery

Entering the Mystery

Darkness begins to fall - I sense that the night is creeping up to engulf me.

Swept into the VortexSwept into the Vortex

Swept into the Vortex

I am inexorably pulled down into a deep, dark well against my will.  Resistance is futile.

Dragon's BreathDragon's Breath

Dragon's Breath

This place smells like fear.  I think of fire and brimstone - am I in hell?


Crossing the Valley of FireCrossing the Valley of Fire

Crossing the Valley of Fire

I now know there is just one way out of here - I must enter the fire before me.  I do not know how I can possibly survive this. Every step is fraught with uncertainty.  But I have no choice except to move forward - one step at a time.


Breaking StormBreaking Storm

Breaking Storm

I now surrender to the process and let go of the old sense of self. I am not yet sure who I am becoming but there is now light ahead that beckons me.


Quenching WatersQuenching Waters

Quenching Waters

The fire is behind me now.  I have made it through.  A sense of liberation arises in me as I drink in the cool, clear waters of life.  Healing has begun.

Gathering of SoulsGathering of Souls

Gathering of Souls

As I leave the darkness behind and emerge into the light, I sense that I am not alone.  I awaken to the realization that we are all on this journey together.  I find myself in the midst of a gathering of souls preparing, like me, for flight.

The Divine Flow of LifeThe Divine Flow of Life

The Divine Flow of Life

I once again join in the divine and joyous flow of life with a renewed sense of who I really am.  And the next phase of my journey begins.

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Inspired by the Beginnings Workshops, Kaisa, Morag, and Stephanie are in the process of building a collaborative, continuous learning membership community, with a planned launch date of June 1st. 

This new initiative will bring many of the features of the 5-week intensive workshops to a collaborative, continuous learning which offers an ongoing, rolling, monthly workshop-style environment, with new themes, content, live sessions, guest photographers, and much more each month....all with the goal of helping you grow in your ICM photography and inspiring you to tap more deeply into your own a supportive, encouraging, safe atmosphere that will help nurture your artistic vision.

If you are interested in signing up to receive updates about membership community pre-launch activities, as well as to be notified first when the membership community is ready to open its doors and go live, please visit the link below and click the red button to send us an email.

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