The December 2024 Issue will be published on December 15th, and you will receive an email when it is available for download...however, if you will bookmark your account download page link, you will be able to view and download the product even if you do not receive the email.
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so you will not have to send an email later asking how to find the magazine downloads. You always have access to your unique download page...24/ it is important that you bookmark the download page link and/or save your order confirmation email.
If you lose your order email and/or did not bookmark your download page, please use this link to resend your order email containing your download page link - Resend Order Email
The full product consists of the following versions of the magazine:
- A full online version of the e-magazine - this is a full, complete online version of the magazine that opens in your internet browser the same as any webpage does. The online version is NOT a download or a pdf. It is exactly as the name ONLINE version. Please bookmark the link for the online version so that you may return to the magazine indefinitely in the future.
- A full single-page viewing format pdf download version of the magazine - this is a full, complete PDF version of the magazine which will download to any device you use...i.e. computer, tablet, mobile phone... and will open via any pdf viewing app you may have on your device. This version displays as single pages in your PDF viewer.
- A full facing-page viewing format pdf download version of the magazine - this is a full, complete PDF version of the magazine which will download to any device you use...i.e. computer, tablet, mobile phone...and will open via any pdf viewing app you may have on your device. This version displays as facing-page spreads in your PDF viewer.
Single Quarterly Issue Price ~ $15 USD
(or the equivalent in any other currency)
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