ICM Photography Magazine June 2023
Third Anniversary Issue
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The Photographer Spotlight for the June 2023
Third Anniversary issue is Michael Orton
Michael Orton is an internationally-known creative photographer from Canada, who has been moving the camera to create painterly and Impressionistic images since the 1980, and who is the creator of what many photographers refer to as the "Orton Effect." He has published two books on photography, and he continues to inspire photographers around the world through an inner flow of questions and the images resulting from his responsive actions with the camera in answer to those questions. A return to ICM sparked a renewed passion for photography for him as he sought to reach beyond representation to look beyond the obvious through the blending of color and line to see the vast combinations and unique variations that can be found in the natural landscape. In this issue, Michael shares his passion with us and reminds us that ICM is a journey of exploration across a lifetime of creative expression with the camera.
You don't want to miss Michael's reflective insights, as he shares through a special interview about his creative influences, his photographic journey, and his approach to image making, all complemented wonderfully with his beautiful images in the June 2023 Third Anniversary Issue of the magazine.
June 2023 Issue
Third Anniversary Issue
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Single Quarterly Issue Price ~ $15 USD
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